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About Us

To save you time and money is our main priority.

VipShoppers is a loyalty program which grants members access to exclusive offers, deals and savings in their area. Vip shoppers is currently offering rebates in the Montreal East, Laval, South Shore and West Island areas.

Today’s busy life leaves you very little time to shop around for bargains. The result of this is that you end up paying a lot more than you should for your everyday purchases. VipShoppers is the solution! Sign up today and benefit from our
exclusive offers and rebates in many great stores.

No more coupons!
Just one great card which gives you access to lots of exclusive offers.


Business Owners

If you own a business and you wish to be one
of our partner stores, please visit:
                               services for businesses


Our WebSite
An easy to use website is primordial for online shopping these days.
That's why updates its website daily.
How You Save!

The vipshoppers card pay’s for itself within the first week of membership...

Throughout the year a membership is guaranteed to not only pay for itself
but also save you a lot of money!